Morning Announcements & Scrolling Announcements

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1. All announcements read on Manual AM will be time-sensitive, appropriate information that is relevant to Manual’s student body and/or faculty.

Examples of appropriate announcements:

  • “The boys’ basketball team is playing Ballard tonight at Manual. It is a blackout.”
  • “Ms. Jones’ English class should turn in their blue folders before Friday for extra credit."
  • “Don’t forget to submit your scholarship applications to the guidance office this week.”

Examples of inappropriate announcements:

  • “Tailgate party for the Trinity-St. X game at 6 PM” (not relevant to Manual’s student body)
  • “Join the Bicycle Club! It’s fun” (this is an advertisement, not an announcement)
  • “The Haircut Club will be accepting new members all year long. Meetings are at 2:30 PM every Tuesday” (not time-sensitive; in theory this announcement could run every day of the year and never be outdated)

Announcements must be submitted in a timely manner (12 hours in advance, by 7:30 PM the night before) by faculty or staff, not students or parents.

2. Announcements submitted to Manual AM will be broadcast a maximum of one week in advance.

Repeating the same events every day for weeks discourages our audience from paying attention to the announcements.

For example, if the Underwater Knitting Team submits an announcement on August 21st for their November 14th competition, it will not be read until November 7th at the earliest.

If the Fiction Club has a contest that begins on January 10 and runs until February 20, we will announce the contest’s beginning as early as January 3 and then stop on January 10. We will announce the contest’s end as early as February 13 and stop on February 20.

It’s best to submit announcements as close as possible to the date they can be aired. If your event is on October 20, please submit the announcement close to October 13.

3. Manual AM may alter the phrasing of the announcements to make for a better broadcast.

This will not change the meaning of the message, only how it is announced.

For example: “The Harry Potter Club, a club that analyzes the writing style of J.K Rowling and the popular book series’ effect on modern day society, will meet next Friday, September 29th, from 2:20-3:30 in room 409. The meeting is held in the auditorium, down the hall from the guidance office. We look forward to meeting fellow Potterheads.”

That’s too long. Manual AM will only announce the basic facts, such as “The Harry Potter Club is meeting on Friday, September 29 from 2:30-3:30 in room 409.”

4. Manual AM reserves the right to alter or discard submitted announcements that don’t meet these guidelines.

The principal and assistant principals have done this for years, so this is not new to Manual AM.


The scrolling announcements can be utilized to give out more information than is possible during the morning broadcast. However, keep in mind that there is a limit to how long these announcements can be. We recommend a maximum of 50 words. Remember that the more words you use, the smaller they will be on the screen, and therefore harder to read.

If your announcement was not read during the morning broadcast, it could also be put on the scrolling announcements, but there’s no guarantee that will happen. The best way to ensure that your information makes it onto the scrolling announcements is to submit it directly.

Manual AM reserves the right to re-word any submitted scrolling announcement, without changing its meaning, in order to keep it concise and appropriate.