Why J&C?

Founded in 1984, duPont Manual High School’s Journalism & Communication magnet program is a unique and exciting high school program that has grown in the last decade to become a model of 21st century learning, challenging students to be innovative, enterprising, creative, and well-versed in media and technology.

Students come to J&C with a number of interests and ambitions — most often related to the fields of journalism, broadcasting, photography, graphic design, public relations, business communication, public speaking, politics, law, and advertising — but these areas of knowledge are applicable to any career or profession. Nationally recognized and awarded, J&C students take exciting and instantly applicable communications-related courses under teachers with professional experience.  Students also select AP courses, core content courses and other electives that Manual offers to complete their schedule. The program prides itself on a number of desirable qualities:

  • Students have real world decision-making power as the student press. All students naturally gain confidence when they see their work printed or uploaded, beginning their freshman year. They lead and manage projects and staff members, especially in their junior & senior years in editor and producer positions. Our internship program allows students to engage with the professional world, earning school credit while gaining career experience with businesses and organizations.
  • Students enjoy a close-knit, family-like atmosphere.  An emphasis on respect, cooperation, and personal support between students and teachers is a program priority. For example, a summer retreat is held annually for students of publication staffs to learn leadership and problem-solving skills, as well as develop friendships.
  • Twice a year, magnet students travel to scholastic journalism conventions in major U.S. cities.
  • Students have access to current technology. For creative production, we primarily use Mac computers, as is common in the industry. Our photojournalism students can check out professional lenses. Students learn how to use professional Adobe creative tools, including Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, and InDesign.
  • Personal attention from teachers is standard. J&C teachers go the extra mile for their students to provide opportunities or just lend an ear. The teachers are in constant collaboration with one another — an authentic Professional Learning Community — in order to help students personally and academically. By the time students graduate, J&C teachers have usually worked with students over four years in a myriad of settings, enabling teachers to understand and advocate for their students in a more knowledgable way.

In 2012, the school’s SBDM council voted to change the magnet’s name from Communications/Media Arts to Journalism & Communication. The change distinguishes the magnet from other programs in Jefferson County Public Schools with similar names but with key differences in mission and scope. The change was also meant to more closely identify the magnet with similar college programs.

What do we study?

All courses emphasize critical thinking, authentic learning experiences, and project-based learning. Students accepted in the duPont Manual J&C magnet are eligible to enroll in the following courses for magnet credit. Most of these courses are not open to enrollment to non-J&C magnet students. For more information about scheduling and courses, see the Curriculum page.

    • Journalism I: Introduction to Journalism & Media*
    • Journalism II: Journalistic Writing
    • Media Arts*
    • Adv. Graphic Design
    • Oral Communication & Debate
    • Film Studies
    • Photojournalism I & II
    • Videography
    • Editorial Leadership
    • Creative Writing (UofL dual credit available)
    • Yearbook I, II & III (produces The Crimson)
    • Newsmagazine I, II & III (produces On the Record)
    • Multimedia I, II & III (produces Manual RedEye)
    • Literary Magazine I, II & III (produces One Blue Wall literary magazine)

*Required for all students in the program.